float glass, laminiated glass

What are the “Hard Coating” and “Soft Coating”?

“Hard Coating” and “Soft Coating” are transformed from foreign nouns. Aiming at the quality of film coated on the surface of glass, we called them “hard” or “soft”, which is a common appellation in engineering. Just as its name implies, the film of hard coating is relatively harder and firmer than the film of soft coating.

Hard coating refers to the glass that is manufactured by on-line coating process, which includes immersion offline coating process method.

The method of soft coating refers to offline magnetron sputtering coating and vacuum evaporation process which are not often applied at present.

There are two principles to distinguish between hard and soft, one is check if the firmness, wear ability and corrosion resistance of film are in good state and another is check that after tempering or heat treatment like hot bending to coating glass, if its film can not be damaged.






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